Nixon Presents at 14th Advanced Course for HIV Pathogenesis in Brazil

Dr. Douglas Nixon, BELIEVE Principal Investigator and Professor of Immunology in Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, presented at the 14th Advanced Course for HIV Pathogenesis at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil during April 2019.

The 14th edition of the annual educational course took place April 10-17, 2019 and was focused at educating post-graduate students, postdoctoral scientists and physicians about HIV virology and immunology. Some of the activities included a pre-course HIV seminar, a theoretical and practical workshop on Flow Cytometry, and the advanced course with lectures on HIV pathogenesis given by international immunovirologists from Brazil, the United States and Canada including Dr. John Moore and Dr. Ron Desrosiers, pictured below with Dr. Nixon.

Dr. Nixon’s presentation addressed the host cell-intrinsic immunity to HIV, including a set of genes utilized by human cells infected with HIV-1 to counteract the viral life cycle. The first person known to be cured of HIV, Timothy Ray Brown, also spoke and participated in the pathogenesis conference. Below, Mr. Brown is pictured with Dr. Nixon. The two had initially met when Mr. Brown gave the keynote speech at the Year 2 BELIEVE Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

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